
Malay dictionary

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Malay translation from Modern English to Malay dictionary online for the word none:Hear the English word audio
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Close Match and Related Words
none : tiada
none kg . 1 tak seorangpun . 2 tak satupun . 3 tak samasekali . -kk . samasekali tidak
none see NONA
nonentity (j . -ties) seorang yang tak berarti
nonentity : orang tidak dikenali
nonentity : orang tidak penting
nones vektor meson nones of vector meson
nonessential : tak penting , tak perlu .
nonessential yang tak perlu / penting
nonetheless 1 meskipun demikian / begitu . 2 namun . He was n . a good player Namun ia seorang pemain yang baik
jangan begitu none of that
jangan besar mulut none of your sance
jangan main gila none of your game
occupant 1 penghuni . 2 penumpang . None of the cars occupants was hurt Tiada seorangpun dari penumpang-penumpang mobil itu (mendapat) cedera
sekali-kali tidak lebih baik none the better

Malay dictionary

English to Malay and Malay to English dictionary Online - Kamus

Welcome to the world's largest and most popular free Modern Online English to Malay dictionary & Online Malay to English dictionary with spell check! This dictionary helps you to search quickly for Malay to English translation, English to Malay translation, or Numbers to Malay word conversion. The number of words available for search in this dictionary has already reached 500,000 and is still growing. You can use this as a Thesaurus also. In addition to providing you the matching Malay words for your search, it also gives you related Malay words with their pronunciation.

You can use this dictionary in three ways : translate English words to Malay, translate Malay words to English, translate numbers to Malay words. The aim of this site is to help you to learn Malay words and Malay numbers easily.

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